Well before last summer’s hostilities and the subsequent declarations of easings on marketing regulations, Gisha had planned to conduct research among leading professionals in the Gaza Strip representing various industries within the manufacturing sector. We wanted to learn about the options available to them in terms of marketing in the West Bank, if and when that was made possible, the difficulties they face, the potential of their industries and their hopes and aspirations for the future.
We held five focus groups, each one consisting of representatives of one of the following industries: furniture, food processing, agriculture, textile, and information and communications technology (ICT). The five industries vary in customs, skill levels and types, experiences and challenges. They all share the need for access beyond the boundaries of the Gaza Strip in order to rebuild their sector, develop, recover and grow. The seven plus years of disconnection from the West Bank have severely harmed the Palestinian economy, especially in Gaza, and the ability of these entrepreneurs to establish themselves and develop in their respective fields. Even if all movement restrictions were lifted, these sectors would still face the substantial challenges of re-adapting to markets, meeting needs that have since been fulfilled by other sources, rebuilding and building networks of relationships in need of repair and development, and redoubling efforts to gain the knowledge and the trust of buyers and investors.
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